
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

"Moody" emoji dress for girls

We have someone in our household who changes moods with the breeze. Two-year-olds are a joy, but they are moody some days! I thought this "moody" emoji dress was the perfect thing to show off her personality. 

- Plain toddler dress from the craft store
- Joy Embroidered Letters and Emojis
- Ribbon flowers and narrow ribbon
- Needle and thread
- Iron

Start by laying your dress down on your ironing surface. Line up your letters and emojis using a ruler to get your spacing right. Iron on each piece, following the directions on the packages.

Tie a bow using a thin ribbon, then stitch the bow to the dress as shown. Stitch the ribbon flower on top of the bow. Make sure both are secure and well-knotted so little hands can't pull them off.

I used these fun, chunky style letters - they come in several colors, perfect for all your projects. There are several styles of emojis - collect them all!


  1. Great project! I've scheduled to share it on my Facebook fan page next week.


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